
Packaging Waste

Packaging Waste

       Ardam Group provides the service of safely storing the packaging waste generated in your facility by completing all necessary procedures within the scope of Environmental Legislation.


  • It covers all products, including non-returnable ones, made of any material used for transportation, protection, storage and sale during the transportation of a product from the producer to the user or the consumer, from the raw material to the processed product


Packaging Wastes:

  • Wastes of sales, secondary and transport packaging, which are used for the presentation of the products during the delivery of the products or any material to the consumer or the end user, excluding production residues, and which are thrown or left into the environment, including the reusable packaging that is formed after the use of the product.


Packaging Waste Producer:

  • Natural or legal persons that cause packaging waste by using the packaged product.


Packaging Waste Management:

  • It covers the separate collection, transportation, separation, reuse, recycling, recovery, disposal of packaging wastes at the source within a certain system and the supervision, inspection and monitoring of such activities.


Packaging Waste Management Plan:

  • It is a detailed action plan that shows the activities to be carried out for the accumulation, collection, transportation, separation, recycling and recovery of packaging wastes in an environmentally compatible manner and by whom, how, when and how these studies will be carried out.
  • Obligations of Packaging Waste Producers: Packaging waste producers are obliged to collect packaging waste separately from other wastes in accordance with the packaging waste management plan of the municipality they are affiliated with and to give it to the municipality's collection system free of charge. However, the management of organized industrial zones, industrial enterprises and other industrial enterprises, sales points and shopping centers within the organized industrial zones, airports open to civil air transportation outside the management system of the municipality, and all facilities within these airports, adjacent areas of the municipality. If the packaging waste producers outside the borders meet the conditions specified in Article 23, they can give the packaging wastes to the collection and sorting facility with Environmental License / Temporary Activity Certificate (GFB) or to the collection system of the municipality free of charge.

Packaging Waste Management Plan
       It is a detailed action plan that shows the activities to be carried out for the separate collection, transportation and recycling of packaging waste at the source in an environmentally friendly manner, and by whom, how, how and when these studies will be carried out.

In accordance with the 6th article of the Packaging Waste Control Regulation, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 24.08.2011 and numbered 28035;

  • “The Information and Documents Required in the Certification Files and the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Issues to be Considered in the Preparation of the Certification Files”,
  • “Procedures and Principles Regarding the Preparation, Implementation and Monitoring of the Packaging Waste Management Plan”
  • “Institutional, Technical and Financial Characteristics to be Required in Authorized Institutions and Related Procedures and Principles”
  • It was put into effect by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization with the letter dated 22.10.2012 and numbered B.09.0.ÇYG.0.10.04-145.07-12444.


Licensed Collection Separation Facilities

  • Collection-separation facilities, where packaging wastes are collected and classified according to their types, excluding accumulations made in factories, sales points and similar units; The total of open and closed area must be at least 1,000 m2 and submit the relevant land registry record,
  • The area where the packaging wastes will be separated is closed, the floors of the open and closed areas where the activity is carried out are concrete,
  • If it is not completely closed, it should be surrounded at least two meters high, clean, well-maintained and / or painted, so that it cannot be seen from the outside,
  • Employing at least one environmental officer full-time,
  • In case of obtaining an environmental license, the environmental officer submits the documents showing that he is working in the facility to the provincial directorate of environment and urbanization in four-month periods,
  • For the packaging wastes to be separated according to the material type with the packaging waste separation band with a platform to meet the capacity, there should be separation compartments at certain intervals on the edges of the separation band and containers under these compartments that can be easily moved within the facility in order to collect the packaging wastes separated according to their types,
  • Having at least one press machine,
  • Having at least two packaging waste collection vehicles, vehicles complying with the provisions of Article 25 and submitting official documents pertaining to the vehicles,
  • Having collection channels and a grid system for the waste water generated after the washing process,
  • Having a data recording system in which the information about the packaging wastes coming, leaving and sold to the facility is recorded,
  • Staff working at the facility
  • To have toilets, washbasins, changing rooms, dining halls and social units arranged in accordance with the number and working conditions,
  • It is obligatory to include information in the trade registry gazette, the activity certificate of the chamber of commerce or industry and the capacity report that the company operates in the collection and separation of packaging wastes.
  • In case of owning more than one collection-separation facility under a single legal entity in the same province, it is sufficient to employ an environmental officer to serve all the facilities.
  • A training plan is created to increase the knowledge level of the personnel working at the facility. Training is given to the personnel on subjects such as the management of packaging waste, separate collection at the source, separation of waste, recycling, recovery, keeping records, regular operation of the facility, cleaning and daily maintenance.
  • The Ministry and/or the provincial directorate of environment and urban planning may request information or documents in addition to the issues in the first, second and third paragraphs.

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